Tag Archive for: Increase Revenue

This is why you need to adjust your product prices!

Part 1: Why change your prices? A price change is a sensitive issue and is often swept under the carpet for another time, however, it is a vital process to keep your veterinary practice profitable. A small increase, such as an inflation correction…

5 Important Things to Consider When Choosing a Veterinary Practice Management System

Your practice management system touches every aspect of your practice, from the ease with which you can communicate with your customers to the quality of care you’re able to offer your patients. Are you considering switching practice management…

Why veterinarians should communicate using text messages

More and more companies are using text messages to communicate with their clients. In this modern world of email, social media, and instant messaging, we’ve found that text messages are actually one of the most effective ways you can communicate…

Is it time to think the unthinkable and put your prices up?

By Alan Robinson B.V.Sc. MRCVS DMS, director of VetDynamics Throughout the last few years, the cost of running a veterinary practice has increased constantly. Whether it is drugs, utilities, insurances or equipment, the prices keep going…