Introducing our first self-paced learning course: “An introduction to Animana”
ArticlesThis course is the first of several self-paced courses we are planning. It focuses on providing the knowledge a new user needs to get up and running. Hence, it's perfect if you have a new hire you'd like to get up to speed or if you want an overview of Animana.
How you have inspired us in two significant ways
ArticlesIn July 2019, you might have seen a message asking to help us out with our Learning & Knowledge Survey. Through the survey we aimed to understand what, when, and how you want to learn. We received many responses, and we would like to thank…
2020 – A Decade for Millennials
ArticlesShould this be the year you make some significant changes to your practice? You're probably wondering "Why?" or "How?" - easy; your customer base is going to change! This year you'll start to see more 'millennials' or 'generation Y' (people born between 1981 and 2000) come to your practice for the first time as pet owners.
The best experience is the new standard
ArticlesAre you a veterinary nurse, receptionist, accountant, cleaner, intern or the veterinarian in a veterinary practice? For the pet owner, 'The Veterinarian' is more than a single profession - it stands for the whole experience - a brand.
Cutting through the noise (5 tips for good customer service)
ArticlesWe know; you're most at home behind the scenes - whether it's in the operating room, or perhaps monitoring patients. It's not something to be ashamed of as most veterinary professionals are more comfortable with pets than with people - it's what you've trained to do. But let's be honest - we are in a sector that also revolves around people - pet owners. We must ensure that customer service remains high, as this immediately benefits the care of the pet, and in this modern-day, good experiences mean good business. Because we know it's not easy, here are our five tips to help you maintain customer service.
A guide to choosing a veterinary practice management system
ArticlesA practice management system (PMS) is a significant investment for any veterinary clinic or hospital, so it’s essential to think it through and explore options before you commit to a specific vendor. Choosing veterinary software involves checking…
A new breed of veterinary software
Think back on the last week at work: where did you spend most of your time?
Hopefully, you were mostly giving vaccinations, writing prescriptions, and making sure your customers know how to give Fluffy her NSAIDs. But if you're…
Is the grass really greener?
ArticlesWith the holiday period ending soon, it’s a good opportunity to look forward to the next few months. You may even be wondering “Is the grass greener on the other side?”, wondering how business is at a neighbouring practice – do they have more customers, is their workload lower, do they have a higher turnover? Once you start thinking it can be difficult to let go.
Theme up for new opportunities
ArticlesVeterinary companies often put a lot of time, energy, and money into developing and maintaining large national campaigns, and because the theme gets a lot of national attention, it will also create awareness among your customers. So it can be quite smart to "hitch a ride" on the back of the awareness which others are creating.
A fresh mind! See your practice from a different point of view.
ArticlesThere's no such thing as a small change. Sure, creating a user in Animana is easy, but what about everything else associated with a new employee at your practice? They need to learn their way around your practice, and be trained - which impacts other staff involved in their training, which in turn impacts practice productivity - and ultimately - patient care.