Tag Archive for: Practice Management

How you get things done! – Seven (and a half) tips

Good intentions often stem from a desire to do things differently or to achieve a particular result. It's not just about perseverance but also focus. In this article, we will discuss tips on how to get things done.

Animana help hub – new features for Q2 2023

Last year we launched the Animana help hub, where you can quickly find answers to questions, gain background information, request add-ons and integrations, and make account changes or upgrades. Since then, the help hub has been continuously…

Animana help hub – new features for Q1 2023

Last year we launched the Animana help hub, where you can quickly find answers to questions, gain background information, request add-ons and integrations, and make account changes or upgrades. Since then, the help hub has been continuously…

Animana help hub – new features for Q4 2022

Improvements to the Animana help hub include; An improved and smarter search engine, Visual improvements to "In focus" pages, Partner knowledge base - Vetstoria, Contextual in-page help, New visual elements on the ‘Status’ page, Share your experience - or complaints - with us easily, Request a colleague login, In focus: data security

How do you future-proof your practice?

If we asked you what superpower you would like to have, you might answer: flying like superman, talking to animals, stopping time, or perhaps predicting the future. In this article, we take a look at how a fun best-case, worst-case exercise can help you tell the future, and shape the path of your practice.

Tips for handling impatient customers

Recently, Zendesk, published a report stating that 66% of customers are less patient than the year before. When considering your patience, you might immediately think about that emergency patient who is not actually an emergency, or the "I'm going on holiday tomorrow and still have to vaccinate my 5 dogs against rabies and also need new passports" appointments.

Ever changing prices

Talking about prices is always an awkward topic. As consumers, we like to get the best deal possible, and as business owners and entrepreneurs, we want the best price for a product or service. The balance between these means there will always be a discussion about the 'right' price. Still, it's good to talk about it now and then, especially now.

Keep your Animana account secure with official integrations

Integrating with Animana - and thus exchanging data - is not a process that we approach lightly. Becoming an approved partner is preceded by a formal process that includes certification to ensure that the integration is sound, that users' privacy is protected, and that data is securely processed. Simply put, we take data security very seriously, and there is an extensive approval process to become an integration partner with Animana