Tag Archive for: Best Practice

How do you future-proof your practice?
ArticlesIf we asked you what superpower you would like to have, you might answer: flying like superman, talking to animals, stopping time, or perhaps predicting the future. In this article, we take a look at how a fun best-case, worst-case exercise can help you tell the future, and shape the path of your practice.

Tips for handling impatient customers
ArticlesRecently, Zendesk, published a report stating that 66% of customers are less patient than the year before. When considering your patience, you might immediately think about that emergency patient who is not actually an emergency, or the "I'm going on holiday tomorrow and still have to vaccinate my 5 dogs against rabies and also need new passports" appointments.

Track lost information with Animana’s audit log
ArticlesAccidentally making a change in Animana happens to everyone from time to time. Whether diving behind your desk and accidentally clicking your mouse or one of your colleagues with a 'what-would-this-button-do?' attitude. Of course, a cat walking on the keyboard is a likely scenario at a veterinary practice as well! Making an unintentional change can be annoying. It is often not immediately a disaster, but incorrect client or patient data, or an accidental product or billing error can have unpleasant consequences for the customer experience or the course of your working day.

From bars and restaurants to your practice
ArticlesQuick Response codes are a simple way to share or transfer information easily and quickly. Several years ago, they were awkward and slow to use, but thanks to the native QR code recognition built into modern smartphone cameras, it’s much faster and easier than a few years ago. So is this something you could use in your practice?

Five tips to get the most out of email in Animana
ArticlesEmailing is a piece of cake, isn't it? After all, who doesn't email? However, sending personal emails is very different from work-related emails. Below we give you some email-related Animana tips you probably didn't know. For example - did you know you can send multiple invoices in a single email?

Your practice’s vital road junction
Articles"Thanks for your time," the pet owner tells the vet as he leaves the examination room. "The medication will be waiting for you at the counter, have a nice day," responds the vet. The consultation is done, and now the most critical moment of the visit begins; summarising treatment and taking payment.

Keep your Animana account secure with official integrations
ArticlesIntegrating with Animana - and thus exchanging data - is not a process that we approach lightly. Becoming an approved partner is preceded by a formal process that includes certification to ensure that the integration is sound, that users' privacy is protected, and that data is securely processed. Simply put, we take data security very seriously, and there is an extensive approval process to become an integration partner with Animana

ArticlesIf you start paying attention to it, you'll notice that the signal word 'but' is frequently used, and you will undoubtedly regularly catch yourself using it. However short the word may be, and despite good intentions, it can unintentionally have a considerable impact - nullifying everything positive that came before it.

Digital preventative care for your practice in three steps
ArticlesWe know the subject of data security can be tedious, complicated and time-consuming. However, this does not make the subject any less important. So in this article, we will talk about the familiar theme "Prevent rather than cure", but in the field of digital security in your practice.

How to run your practice as smoothly as a Rolodex
ArticlesYou love your job, and you put all your energy and passion into it, and yet there are always little things that get in the way you can't control. Time is precious. Your diary may run efficiently, but a lack of time can quickly upset the rest of the day when something unexpected happens. A single late pet owner can cause your consultation hour to overrun and cause a significant time squeeze. Experiencing too little time can give a feeling of pressure and stress. Still, you can do something about it - by spending less time on things that could be done faster, more efficiently, or even automatically.