Avoid holiday hassles – Five tips for the veterinary practice

3 mins

No matter how much you enjoy work, it is sometimes good to take some time off to get away from it all, away from work and a daily routine. While away, you don’t want to be reminded of your day-job worries and certainly not disturbed by a phone call. Time to recharge the batteries – that’s the idea, isn’t it?

Before you go on holiday, it’s essential to assign your work as well as you can. For example, if you are in charge of stock orders, you make sure shelves are properly filled, and colleagues know how and when they must place orders. As a veterinarian, you discuss current cases with your colleagues or covering veterinarian. Still, it sometimes happens that while you’re away, things don’t run smoothly at the practice.

There are always things that are not immediately obvious or top of mind, so to that end, we asked our colleagues from Customer Support for their most frequently asked questions relating to the absence of a colleague.

Five tips for the holiday period or absence of colleagues in practice:

1. Log into Animana from anywhere and any device

As Animana is cloud-based, you can log in from any device, anywhere in the world. However, if your practice has enabled “Check On IP”, you can only log in if an appropriate IP address is added for each device and location.


2. Check user access and permissions

Take a look at the rights and roles for users in the Animana settings. Does everyone have the appropriate user rights to access the areas they need to keep your practice running? Permissions are assigned at the user level, so it’s easy to give a specific Animana user more or fewer rights.


3. Adjust your online appointment booking calendars

If your practice uses an online appointment system, make sure it’s updated well ahead of vacation times to ensure that pet owners do not make appointments with specific veterinarians who may be away.


4. Actively inform pet owners about the holiday period, adjusted opening hours and services

Inform your pet owners if your holiday period has consequences for your practice opening hours and services. You can do this via social media or in the practice itself (e.g. with simple posters). But you can also send an email to your client base – also an excellent opportunity to include some holiday tips for their pet, such as vaccinations, deworming and travel tips.


5. Show everybody where they can find the Animana knowledge base!

“Ah, that was easier than I thought it would be!” is something often heard by our support team. Sometimes the answer to a question is straightforward, and our support team can provide a quick response – no problem – that’s what they are there for. But if you can’t make the call, want an answer quickly, or suspect that the answer could be very simple, our Animana knowledge Base often offers a solution.

The Animana knowledge base is an extensive library of help articles, including step-by-step guides supported by images and videos. You can search by entering a keyword in the search bar on the homepage, or in an article; use Ctrl+F (Windows) Command+F (Mac) to find your answer quickly.

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